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The Week In Robert Pattinson
January 28, 2009, 5:30 am
Filed under: Robert Pattinson | Tags: ,

The Week In Robert Pattinson
LONDON, England, Jan. 27 (TOTI) —

It’s been a typically busy week for Robert Pattinson. He’s been interviewed several times and is quotable, as always.

First, there’s the comparisons with Daniel Radcliffe. Each actor is claiming that the other is more attractive to girls. Pattinson, 22, recently said that of course girls found Radcliffe, 19, sexier. Now Radcliffe is saying it’s actually the other way around.

“But I can safely say that his insisting that girls would choose me over him that they would not,” Radcliffe told The Daily Beast “That they do not. He is much prettier and can be much more charming…And he can do that thing of being sultry and sexy…Rob can just sort of stand there and look at something and start to smolder. And I just can’t do that.”

Robert hasn’t responded yet, but I’m sure he’ll deny the charges.

Rob has been on the road so much that he’s getting homesick for London.

“I miss the smell of London … I almost cried because I missed it so much. And I miss my dog.” he said. “I miss being able to go for a walk.”

The actor is currently living in Los Angeles, but he hasn’t moved there permanently.

“I haven’t moved to L.A. for good. I live in a rented apartment where all of the furniture is rented,” he said.


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